Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wake Up Call to Gen X on Social Security!

Kristin Maschka, author of This Is Not How I Thought It Would Be: Remodeling Motherhood to Get the Lives We Want Today, calls in her blog at Huffington Post for Gen X to lose their skepticism and cynicism about Social Security.  She points out the facts that while the system faces a shortfall (in about 20 years), this is one "very fixable problem".

It is disheartening to hear Boomers declare their intention to sign up to start benefits at age 62, "...before they run out of money."  For most Boomers this is costly mistake, resulting in a decrease in lifetime benefits that can easily exceed $100,000 and much more for a married couple.  Even more disheartening, post-Boomers commonly state their belief that "Those benefits won't be there for me at all."

In fact the benefits will be there, in all likelihood in full as scheduled, since the required fixes are relatively mild and pain free.  I applaud any effort by thought leaders like Kristin to get out the word!

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