Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Your Social Security Statement Now Available Online

Notice anything missing from your mailbox the last couple of years? That would be your annual Social Security Statement. The Social Security Administration (SSA) stopped mailing them around this time last year as a cost-cutting measure. As taxpayers we can all applaud the roughly $70 million in annual savings. However, the SSA also promised that an online version would be available by year end. That target slipped as the agency wanted to ensure the security of the online system before going live, a task they finally accomplished earlier this summer. Now you can go to www.ssa.gov/mystatement, where you can set up an account and thereafter enjoy secure access to your entire earnings record, amounts you have paid into Social Security and Medicare, and the current estimate of your benefits. SSA will continue to send paper statements to those sixty and over until they retire and start their claim.

This is one of many cost-cutting measures made possible by the Web. SSA is working to move more of its interaction with the public online in order to relieve and possibly reduce the growing demand at its field offices. Already roughly 41% of Social Security claims and 44% of Medicare claims originate online. Imagine how much larger the agency workforce of nearly 70,000 would have to be if these millions of claims had to be first processed in the field offices!

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